The current consultation is now finished. Click below to read our comments sent last week to Highways England:
SDS Response to HE A27 Arundel By-pass proposals 22-10-2019 RevB.
Also HERE is a link to see: a) what we said to the National Park at their meeting on the 1st October and b) a link to the scheme we prefer.
What happens next? Here is what Highways England say about future consultations:
- All responses and comments received during the public consultation will be considered and summarised in our Public Consultation Report, which will be published on our scheme website. We will carefully consider the responses alongside several factors to determine our preferred route for the scheme.
- Following a Preferred Route Announcement, we will develop detailed proposals. This will include further surveys and investigations to allow us to design the scheme in more detail.
- There will be a further opportunity to have your say on the design of this preferred route during further public consultation prior to any application for consent.